
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:09   新浪教育


  On Not Having A Boyfriend

  It’s becoming popular to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend in the university.

  Then why don’t I have a boyfriend? There are two main reasons: I don’t think I’m old enough to have a boyfriend and I find I can still study, play, eat, breathe and sleep without a boyfriend.

  First, frankly speaking, most people think that college students are in their prime and their love is pure. But I say they are too young to understand the true meaning of love. Love doesn’t just mean being together day after day, eating meals together and looking into each others’ eyes to know that you are not alone. In my opinion, love means mature and devotion.

  Second, I’m not troubled being single while most of my friends have their boyfriends or girlfriends in the university. I spend my time attending classes ,reading books and taking part in extracurricular activities. I hardly have time to think about having a boyfriend. But I know I do have lots of friends to share my joys and sorrows. It’s not good to share my happiness with just one person.

  In all, although I don’t have a boyfriend ,I’m still joyful everyday. That’s important to me.







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