
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:32   新浪教育


  Exams in Life

  Exam is too familiar a word to us students, but how about exams in life? For instance, how we respond to someone else’s success, or how we react to emergencies or what kind of attitude we hold towards life. In everyday life we face countless choices, and every choice is like a small exam.

  These exams in life may put on different disguises when they appear. Let’s say a shop assistant gives you more change than you deserve, what would you do? Maybe few people see this as an exam, but it is one of many that test our morals. As a matter of fact, life is made up of these continuous exams. Although we don’t have anyone to mark us, the way we take every small exam makes us different kinds of people.

  On the other hand, how we regard these exams is also important. Wise people learn lessons from these exams, while others only got too excited or sad with the results. And while we take these exams in life, we should always try to enjoy the process of learning.

  The most important point is that we shouldn’t be afraid of failures, especially in the exams in life. Great people of the past failed, Abraham Lincoln failed, Thomas Edison failed, but what made the difference was their attitude towards these failures: they learned from their failures and kept on trying. And that’s what exams in life are for: to learn from failures, start again, and never ever give up until you make it.






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