
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 17:02   新浪教育


  My  Parents

  My mother and my father have different jobs, and their hobbies are different, too. But, they both love me.

  My mother is a kind person. She is a doctor. She cures many patients. She takes good care of them as same as she does for me and they all love her.

  My father is different from my mother. He is very strict with my study. He is a professor in a famous university. He has taught many students and postgraduates. He asks them strictly too. All his students respect and love him.

  Now I will tell you the fresh side that is hidden usually about my parents. My mother and my father are all humorous. They always do funny things to make me laugh.

  My mother likes to sing. Once she tried to imitate the singer who cried while singing. She went to the kitchen and took some garlic. She squeezed the garlic juice out and it made her eyes fill with tears. She began to sing the song badly, but then the tears couldn’t come out again. She was really upset and really cried out. We all laughed and laughed.

  My father likes to imitate the dancers who jump and shout. Every time he is bored, he jumps all over the room and shakes his hand up and down. We would all stop what we are doing and stare at him. But he will pretend not to see us and dance on more crazily.

  I have a happy family full with humor. My parents are both good persons. Although they love me in different ways, I love both of them.








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