
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月04日 10:23   沪江英语

  7. Choose one thing you were putting off for another time that could be done today, and decide to do it! It only takes 30 seconds to make a decision to act. Be sure you value keeping your promise to yourself, and then know that this will lead to action.

  7. 选择一件你一直在拖延着准备下次再做而今天可以完成的事情,决定完成它!做出一个行动的决定只需要30秒。前提必须是你十分看重对自己的承诺,并且一旦承诺则意味着付出行动。

  8. Clean up someone else's mess.


  9. Compliment someone with a genuine comment on what you appreciate or respect about them.

  9. 对他人就你一直欣赏或敬重的某一点表示真诚的赞美。

  10. Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.

  10. 为你信仰的某人或某事挺身而出。一句简短的表示支持的话会带来奇迹,迅速扩大你的影响。

  11. Find a way to authentically encourage someone in their efforts with a “you can do it!” comment. Believe in them and show it.

  11. 为他人所做的努力表示一次真诚的鼓励。告诉他,"你可以做到的",信任他并且用行动来表达这份信任。

  12. Invite someone over (or a group of someones) that you would like to get to know: set a specific time and day for a dinner together. The world could use more socializing. What about you? Take the initiative and make the invitation to a new friendship.

  12. 邀请某个你愿意了解的人(或一群人)到家中做客。定一个具体的日子和时刻和他/他们共进晚餐。适度的社交是必要的,你还在等待什么呢?采取主动,发出邀请,也意味着打开一扇新的友谊之门。

  13. Give your spouse a physical sign of affection for 30 seconds in public. Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss. It is good for children to see their parents comfortable with quick displays of affection, and great for strengthening intimacy in marriage. Imagine how closeness might grow in marriages if every couple deliberately showed affection for 30 seconds? Better yet, do it several times a day.


  14. Learn 1 new word (preferably from a different language than you already know) or learn a quick and wonderful fact about another culture or country.

  14. 学会一个新单词(最好从一种你不会的语言中学习)或是迅速的了解与另外一种文化或国家有关的一件神奇的事情。

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