2008年04月03日 11:36 新浪教育
1 turkey 大家大概都知道,turkey就是火鸡,美国人在感恩节和圣诞节时家家户户都要吃火鸡。可是,活的火鸡非常难看,行动迟顿,而且笨头笨脑的。所以,要是你把一个人形容为turkey,那你就等于说,那个人是个愚蠢无用的笨人。 例如:I'm worried about this young fellow my daughter is dating. He never finished school, he doesn't have a job, he dresses like a bum--he looks like a real turkey to me. 我真担心我女儿的那个男朋友。他书没念完,也没有工作,穿得像个叫化子。我看,他真是个愚蠢的,毫无用处的人。 每个大公司或机构里总会有几个什么事也干不了的人,可是要想开除他们还不容易。下面这个人说的是一些机构如何处理这些人的办法: Some private firms and official agencies have what they call a "turkey farm", a part of the organization where their turkeys can be sent to get them out of the way until it's possible to fire them. 有些私营公司和政府机构都有一种叫做“火鸡农场”之类的地方,这是那个机构的一部份,为了不让那些生产力低的人影响其他人的工作,这些单位可以把他们送到“火鸡农场”去,直到能够开除他们为止。 软骨头
2 wimp 美国人经常用wimp这个字来形容一些比较软弱,缺乏勇气,办事无效的人,也就是老是屈从于别人意志的“软骨头”。参加竞选的政界人士往往喜欢用wimp这个字来描述竞选对手。不管是不是符合事实,有的时候,这种形像就在选民心目中留下了印象。 例如,As far as I know, this guy Roger Bly is honest. And he's had a pretty good voting record in Congress. But he looks like such a wimp: I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts to handle a real crisis when it comes up. So I guess I'll vote for the other guy. 就我所知,罗杰·布莱这人很老实。他在国会里就各种问题投票的记录来看也很不错。可是,他看起来像个软骨头。我担心,在真正发生危机的时候,他可能不会有足够的勇气来处理问题。所以,我想我还是投另外一个候选人的票。 我们在生活中不难看到有些人胆小怕事,不管是不是他的错,他老是听任摆布。例如: I'm afraid my sister married a real wimp. Sure, he makes a good salary and treats her well. But he lets himself get pushed around by everybody–waiters, clerks in stores, the guy who pumps gas--he's afraid to stand up for his rights. 我看我的妹妹大概是嫁了一个真正的软骨头。不错,他工资不低,对她也很好。但是,他听任周围任何人的摆布:饭馆服务员、售货员、加油站的人等,他从来不敢维护他的权利。”
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