2008年04月09日 16:22 新浪教育
二、在英语的名人言论中常使用一些简练而精辟的词语,意义深邃,读起来铿锵有力,简单明了。 美国前总统里根: I have not come to China to hold forth on what divides us, but to build on what binds us.我来中国,不是要大谈我们的分歧,而是要发扬我们的友情。 美国前总统林肯: The world will little note nor long remember what we said here, but it can never forget what they did here. We here highly resolve that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 英国前首相撒切尔夫人: The agreement(指中英关于香港问题的声明)is not a way out.(双关语,指英国人撤出)It is a way forward--a practical blueprint for success. It can work. It is working. Yes, you get help if you are unemplyed. But you must be actively seeking work. You get no help if you choose to be unemployed. The government's task is to give people opportunity, not handouts. 法国前总统乔治·蓬皮杜: A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation. A politician is a statesman who places the nation at his service. 三、美英的书报杂志文章正日益广泛地使用一些浅显而简洁的用词。这些词看来似曾相识,仅在拼写形式上稍加变化,含义却丰富得多。试举一些例子: 1 动词或名词加上后缀y成为形容词,诸如: choosy挑挑拣拣的 nosy爱打听消息的 bossy爱发号施令的,专横霸道的 jumpy神经质的,心惊肉跳的 flashy华而不实的 shabby破旧的 2 有hyphen(连字符)或没有hyphen结合的复合词。 nitty-gritty具体细节 The book gets to the nitty-gritty of economic problems.(i.e. specific practical details). shilly-shally(动词)扭扭捏捏,犹豫不决 If you keep shilly-shallying like this, we'll be late. nuts and bolts 基本要点 Dealing with the nuts and bolts of the project. huff and putt(动词)气喘吁吁 When I got to the top, I was huffing and puffing. 3 名词加后置词,如: hands-down winner毫不费力的获胜者 target-rich environment目标丰富的环境 must-see film必看的电影 plus-size (for woman)加码的衣服 cutting-edge technology 尖端技术 四、矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron) Oxymoron是一个希腊字,由oxys与moros两字拼成。oxys意为sharp, keen尖刻、敏锐的;moros意为愚蠢的,foolish。 英语中的这种用法越来越普遍,即将两个意思相互矛盾或尖锐对立的字合用,以产生更深刻的印象和鲜明的效果。举例如下: cruel kindness残忍的仁慈(施恩惠而成为虐待)。 a wise fool聪明的蠢人。sophomore 由sophos(意为wise)和moros(意为foolish)组成,即wise fool。美国称二年级大学生为sophomoric,即自以为知识渊博而过于自信,实际上才疏学浅,半生不熟。 a transparent cover-up明显的掩饰,指水门事件。 future history 未来的历史。这是以色列总理在演讲中使用的一个词组。My job is to worry about the future history of Israel. haughty humility傲慢的谦恭,意指某人表面上谦虚,骨子里傲慢。 intimate stranger亲密的陌生人。
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