
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月21日 09:57   新浪教育

Sylvia Plath 西尔维亚·普拉斯(1932-1963)美国著名女诗人,诗集有《巨像》(Colossus)和《爱丽尔》(Ariel)。她患有严的忧郁症,自21岁开始尝试自杀,30岁时自杀成功。

  Poets die young--younger than novelists, playwrights and other writers, a U.S. researcher says.


  It could be because poets are tortured and prone to self-destruction, or it could be that poets become famous young, so their early deaths are noticed, said James Kaufman of the Learning Research Institute at California State University.


  For the report, published in the Journal of Death Studies, Kaufman studied 1,987 dead writers from various centuries from the United States, China, Turkey and Eastern Europe. He classified the writers as fiction writers, poets, playwrights, and non-fiction writers. He did not study the causes of death. "Among American, Chinese and Turkish writers, poets died significantly younger than non-fiction writers," Kaufman wrote in the report. "Among the entire sample, poets died younger than both fiction writers and non-fiction writers." Because Kaufman studied some writers who lived hundreds of years ago, it is impossible to compare their average age of death to that of the general population. "On average, poets lived 62 years, playwrights 63 years, novelists 66 years and non-fiction writers lived 68 years," Kaufman said.



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