
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月21日 09:57   新浪教育

  Kaufman has also studied poets and mental illness. "What I found was pretty consistent with the death finding actually, female poets were much more likely to suffer from mental illness (e.g., be hospotalised, commit suicide, attempt suicide) than any other kind of writers and other eminent women," he said. "I've dubbed this the 'Sylvia Plath Effect'."


  There could also be a more benign explanation for poets' early demise, "Poets produce twice as much of their lifetime output in their twenties as novelists do," he said. So when a budding novelist dies young, few people may notice. "A great novelist or non-fiction writer who dies at 28 may not have yet produced her or his magnum opus." Kaufman said poets should not worry, but should perhaps look after their health. "The fact that a Sylvia Plath may die young does not necessarily mean an Introduction to Poetry class should carry a warning that poems may be hazardous to one's health," he said.



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