2008年04月22日 17:46 新浪教育
But let's look at the other side of the coin. It also happens that, as a guest of honour at the dining table, I am often put in a very awkward position. French delicacies are good to look at, but difficult to swallow. Green vegetables are eaten either raw, or overcooked. Duck, chicken, fish are often cooked or roasted without sauces. However the way to eat them is quite democratic: you yourself season the cooked food with salt or pepper. What embarrasses me most is that when I have difficulty to swallow my wife's masterpiece, she always looks at me full of tender affection and never stops asking questions. "Is it good?" "Wonderful!" I automatically give it the thumbs up. "A little bit more!" She shows loving care for me and hastens to add more food on my plate until I eat myself sick. Definitely her darling is fed like a Beijing duck! 但也来看看事情的另一面。作为夫人西餐桌上的坐上宾,中国大丈夫又何尝不是有苦难言。法式大餐看起来美观,吃起来难咽。嫩嫩的青菜要么生吞活剥,要么煮成菜泥;鸡鸭鱼肉要么清煮,要么干烤。不过吃法还算民主,任君在原味熟食上撒盐或胡椒面。最让我这位食客难堪的是每当我艰难地咽食夫人的大菜时,她总会含情默默地注视着夫君并频频提问: “菜好吃吗?” “棒极了!”我总会机械地翘起大拇指称赞。“那就再来一点!”夫人关怀备至,赶紧在盘子里加食,直到我吃得撑死。简直把她那位亲爱的当成北京填鸭喂! Nevertheless, even though my quick and flattering answer is always the same, its composition is totally different. My first "wonderful" contains 1% of sincerity and 99% of encouragement, my thousandth one contains 40% of sincerity and 60% of encouragement, and maybe my ten thousandth one will contain as much as 90% of sincerity and only 10% of encouragement. Today I can calmly cope with French food and also begin to enjoy its plain taste: vegetables that keep their vegetable taste, meat that keep its meat shape, the secondary ingredients such as condiments never over-powering the primary raw material. I am in particular fascinated by my wife's French vegetable soup, which is simple and natural, tasty and refreshing, able not only to fill my stomach, but also to warm my heart, just like her never concealed love. 不过,尽管老公爽快的回答千篇一律,但里面的内涵却绝不雷同。我第一次说出的“棒极了”包含着百分之一的诚实,百分之九十九的鼓励;第一千次“棒极了”却包含着百分之四十的诚实,百分之六十的鼓励。第一万次的“棒极了”可能就会包含百分之九十的诚实,百分之十的鼓励。如今,对妻子的法国大菜我已经基本上能够做到“坐怀不乱”,并开始慢慢品尝其独特的清淡味,即菜有菜味,肉有肉型,调料决不喧宾夺主。最让我醉心的是妻子的法式蔬菜汤,它朴实无华,清香可口,宛如妻子毫不掩饰的爱,既裹腹又甜心。 Due to their different histories, different cultures, different physical geographies, Chinese food and French food are also totally different, but both have their particularities and charms. Neither of them is better or worse than the other, simply they are not the same. If partners in a Sino-French family season their daily food with "mutual understanding, compromise and love", it will certainly become the most delicious one in the world, whether it is French or Chinese. 由于中法两国历史文化的差异、地理环境的不同,中餐和法餐自然也就迥然不同。但它们各具特色,各领风骚。两者无优劣之别、高贵之分,仅仅系不同菜肴而已。如果中法合作家庭的成员能够以互解、互谅、互爱为调料,那么无论是中餐还是法餐都一定能够成为人间亲情的美味佳肴。
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