
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月28日 10:58   信息时报

俄罗斯富商米克哈伊·普罗科洛夫(Mikhail Prokhorov)

  rich love to flaunt their wealth. Soon they will have a magazine called Snob to help them. Mikhail Prokhorov -- whose wealth is estimated at around $22 billion -- plans to spend $150 million setting up a magazine, website and television station called Snob.

  A snob is: "A person who has an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth and who looks down on those regarded as socially inferior". Shmarov said Russians attach a different meaning to the word,"Snob to us means a person who is a 'self-made man', a person who has gained a right to snobbishness."

  Snob's magazine and website, which will focus on lifestyle features, business news and travel, will be available from this summer, Shmarov said,with the cable television channel following shortly.


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