2008年04月29日 10:43 新浪教育
我们都有过尴尬的时候。说话不得体弄得自己和他人都很难堪时,会感到尴尬;受到冷遇,坐冷板凳时,会感到尴尬;众目睽睽之下出丑露怯,也会感到尴尬。尴尬的时候,实在是左右为难、手足无措,恨不得找个地缝儿钻进去。应对尴尬局面的六字箴言就是:既来之,则安之;避免尴尬的六字箴言则是:吃一堑,长一智。先来看看下面的五位朋友碰到了怎样的尴尬局面: Amanda: My most embarrassing moment involved me flashing my underpants to a whole bunch of people at my high school. 阿曼达:我最尴尬的事是上中学的时候,有一次内裤露出来让一大群人看到了。 Stacey: I embarrass myself nearly every day! I'm a bit of a klutz and that can be pretty embarrassing. I once tripped and fell onto a complete stranger in the street! He was pretty nice about it, but I felt pretty silly. 斯泰西:我几乎每天都碰到尴尬事。我这个人有点马大哈,有时候会出一些很尴尬的事。有一次在街上,我一脚绊倒扑倒在一个素不相识的陌生人身上。那个人倒没说什么,但我觉得自己这样很可笑。 Daniel: A personal favourite was my Year Ten school photo. I was on the top row, felt really sick, and started turning green. The photographer noticed and made me come down in front of my whole year while he elevated my feet and told me to take deep breaths. My green and red face was immortalized in the school photo that year so I will never forget. 丹尼尔:我经常讲的一件尴尬事跟我十年级学校照有关。我站在最高一排,当时身体很虚弱,脸色开始发青。摄影师发现了,当着全年级同学的面,搬着我的脚放我下来,让我做几个深呼吸。我的脸青一块,红一块,永远记录在那年学校的合影上,所以我一辈子都忘不了。 Glen: In primary school I had a whole afternoon of embarrassment--I split my pants right around during lunchtime. I couldn't do anything about it until I went home at 4:30pm so I had to spend the afternoon at school and after school with my underpants hanging out of my split pants. 格伦:我上小学出了一件糗事,让我难受了一个下午。裤子早不破,晚不破,偏偏吃午饭的时候撕破了。我一点办法也没有,一直挨到下午四点半放学回家。整个下午我的内裤都露在破裤子外面。 Olivia: Mine would have to be when I was traveling overseas and all my bags went tumbling off my trolley while going down the escalator because I didn't see the sign. I broke several possessions and my glass bottle of drink spilt everywhere. 奥利维亚:说起我最尴尬的事,应该算那次出国的时候,下电梯没看清标志,手推车上的行李全都掉了下来,摔坏了几样东西,玻璃瓶装的饮料洒得到处都是。 There are a number of classic reasons for having an embarrassing moment. 出现尴尬有许多典型的原因。
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