2008年04月29日 10:43 新浪教育
Firstly, tripping over and landing flat on your face. Normally, this is due to a lack of focus or being distracted. Keep an eye out for where you are going and what you are doing and you will be fine. 第一,脚被绊了一下,摔了个嘴啃地。出现这种情况通常是因为注意力不集中或走了神。只要走路或做事的时候留心就不会出洋相。 Secondly, having embarrassing information about you being made public knowledge. Whether it's about your family, a guy you like or something silly you have done, make sure you tell private things only to trustworthy people, and you won't have to worry about that information getting out. 第二,你的尴尬事让大家都知道了。不管是家人的事,亲朋好友的事,还是你自己干的傻事,记住私事只能跟信得过的人讲,这样就不用担心叫外人知道后取笑你了。 Thirdly, clothes and shoes can often be a source of embarrassing moments--when your top is on back to front, your buttons aren't matching up, or the zipper on your pants is down--there is an easy way to eliminate these embarrassing and common mistakes. Get into the habit of checking your entire outfit before you leave the room and you will never be caught out. 第三,衣服和鞋子经常会让人陷入尴尬,比如上衣后面穿到前面,衣服扣子扣错了,裤子拉链没拉上。要杜绝这些常见的叫人尴尬的错误其实很简单。只要养成出门前检查全套装扮的习惯,就不会被人抓住把柄。 Lastly, we all get our words mixed up sometimes. We sometimes say things before thinking about what we are saying. In order to prevent this make sure that you think about what you are about to say first--it's better to take your time and say something worthwhile than to sound silly and you might even save yourself from hurting other people's feelings in the future too. 最后一点,每个人都会有说错话的时候。有时候我们不假思索就说了些话。为防止此类事情发生,一定要把你想说的话先考虑一番,与其噼里啪啦说一些傻话,还不如从从容容地说一些有价值的话。这样甚至还可能避免将来出口伤人。 While you can't control how others will react to your embarrassing moment, you can control how you will react. The key to surviving the moment is to not freak out and show that you are aware that you're being laughed at. To make it easier, try remembering these three pointers: 你碰到尴尬事虽然无法控制别人的反应,但你可以控制自己的反应。这个时候,关键是不要动怒,不要表现出你意识到被人取笑。简单说来,请尽量记住以下三点: 1) You'll probably be laughing about it in a few days, so try to see the funny side of it right away. 第一,过几天你自己很可能觉得这件事很好笑,何不现在就看到事情可笑的一面? 2) If it's something so humiliating that you know you'll never laugh about it, understand that the pain is bound to fade over time. 第二,如果这件事让你蒙羞,你一辈子都不会觉得可笑,那么你应该明白一个道理,痛苦会随着时间的流逝而减轻。 3) Ask your friends to give you a break and not make fun of you. If you've done the same for them, they're more likely to let it pass. 第三,请朋友们饶你一次,不要笑话你。如果你是这样对待他们的,他们会更容易放你一马。
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