
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月21日 16:35   北外网院


  导致这种现象的原因很简单:我们的英语教材往往强调学习原汁原味的英语材料,以至于教材中的文章全部选自英语国家,而却很少有通过英语向外国宣传自己的文章。如此就致使我们对于“中国英语”即China English(注意不是中式英语Chinese English)缺乏足够了解,而许多带有明显中国特色的表达是英语和外来文化中所没有的,是必须专门去学的。



  Chinese drivers fined for slow-drive on scenic bridge

  By AP Writer

  May 5, 2008

  China opened the world's longest cross-sea bridge last week aiming to cut travel time between two major ports, but hundreds of drivers have been fined already for, unexpectedly, driving too slow to enjoy the view.

  The 36-km structure spans Hangzhou Bay in the booming province of Zhejiang, designed to slash travel time between its port city of Ningbo and the financial hub Shanghai from four hours to two and a half.

  But since its opening on May 1, police have fined more than 300 drivers, most for driving too slowly or illegal parking on the emergency lanes while enjoying the ocean view and taking photos, local media reported on Monday.

  "I just wanted to drive a bit slowly and enjoy the sea breeze. Is that wrong?" Zhejiang's official news portal quoted an unnamed driver as complaining.

  Long lines of cars carrying whole families eager to see the bridge and sea vista have caused serious traffic problems and led to a series of accidents, the news portal said.

  Some drivers busted for illegal parking even posed in front of police cameras, hoping to turn police snapshots into souvenirs, it said.

  "Traffic jams should be impossible under normal circumstances given the capacity of the bridge," the news portal said.

  The $1.7-billion (864 million pounds) bridge's much publicized "sightseeing platforms" in the middle of the span will not be ready for tourists for another two years, local media have reported.



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