2008年05月28日 16:06 新浪教育
"People naturally want to make their friends feel special, but this conflicts with organizational practices or norms that are set up around fairness and equality. Difficulty in managing these expectations can create tension in the relationship." “大家都想让自己的朋友受到特殊对待,这很自然,但这违背了用人单位在公平公正基础上建立起来的制度和规范。处理不好这种问题会造成人际关系的紧张。” Respondents also experienced a great deal of anxiety about speaking to close friends about substandard work. A basic rule of friendship is being non-judgemental and accepting your friends' weaknesses, but giving critical performance feedback conflicts with this. 受访者表示,与好朋友谈论自己工作不达标的问题时心里也感到十分不安。友谊的一个基本原则是不评判朋友、接受他的缺点,而对朋友的工作表现提出批评性的反馈意见则与此相矛盾。 "We also found issues related to confidentiality practices, which could mean friends have to refrain from sharing information. This can be really challenging for close friendships that have norms of openness and disclosure," Dr Morrison said. 莫里森博士说:“我们还发现了与保密工作有关的问题,也就是说,有些信息朋友之间是不能共享的。这对于好朋友之间来说确实是个挑战,因为按常理来说,好朋友之间不该有秘密。” Dr. Morrison said organisations should try to provide friendly environments and encourage workplace friendships, but have policies in place to manage potential difficulties. 莫里森博士说,用人单位应为员工营造友好的工作环境,鼓励大家交朋友,但同时应制定相应的处理潜在问题的规定。 The research was undertaken online with 230 respondents. 此项在线调查共有230人参加。
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