
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月30日 18:06   新浪教育

  4.A foreign tourist asked the attendant on the train: "How many minutes will this train stop at the next station?" The attendant answered "Four minutes, sir. From [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu]." Do you know its meaning, and tell the six words apart? Can you speak it correctly?

  5.Without a voice I speak, I'm small light and fleet, I express other's thoughts, and travel without feet. What am I?

  6.You have two little windows which you open in the morning. But you close them at night. When a man looks into them. He can see his own face.

  7.Letters A, B and C stand for (代表) three different numbers. If you add A to B, you get 195; if you add B to C, you get 188; and the sum (和) of A and C is 193. now do you know what number each letter stands for?

  A---------- B------------- C -------------

  8.Match the follow celebrities with their occupations.

  (1) Beckham a. politician

  (2) Cindy Crawford b computer businessman

  (3) Tom Hanks c. scientist

  (4) Bill Gates d. playwright

  (5) William Shakespeare e. footballer

  (6) George Bush f. musician

  (7) Maria Curie g. actor

  (8) Beethoven h. model

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