
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月30日 18:06   新浪教育


  1) A man lived at the edge of a forest which was like a big circle. One day he took a walk around the forest. He went in a clockwise direction, and when he returned to his house he found that it took him eighty minutes to walk around the forest without stopping. Several days later, he again took a walk around the forest, but this time he started in the opposite direction. However, walking just as fast as before, and without stopping, he found that the trip took him one hour and twenty minutes this time. Can you explain why?

  2) There are five groundhogs (土拔鼠). One of them is a bad egg. Can you find it out?


  A. It doesn't wear glasses.

  B. It doesn't have anything around its neck.

  C. It doesn't wear a tall hat.

  13. 智力题。

  What has a neck but no throat?

  14. From what number can you take half and leave nothing.

  15. If the "postman" is 1234567, Tom will be

  16. How many squares are there in the picture?

  17.Bill is a green hand.

  A. 新手 B.老手 C. 有经验的人 D.没经验的人

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