
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月20日 10:17   新浪教育

  Audrey Hepburn was seen as a new kind of star when she burst onto the scene in 1953. Most other stars then were in the Marilyn Monroe mould--blonde, curvaceous and overtly sexy. In the film Roman Holiday, Hepburn unveiled her look for the first time. She was tall and slim, with elfin features. Hepburn started a trend that has been continued by many since then. The model Kate Moss and actress Winona Ryder are two who many think have been influenced by her style.



  But what is the lasting appeal of a woman whose final acting role was in 1989? Why was she voted the most beautiful woman in a magazine poll? Her granddaughter Claire Goldsmith says "It's about those eyes, those big, brown, warm eyes. Women relate to her because she was unthreatening and for men she had that innocence."


  For the founder of the charity that will benefit from the sale of the dress, the attraction is perhaps more down to earth. The French author, Dominique Lapierre, set up a charity The City of Joy Aid to help poor people in India. After the auction Dominique said "I am absolutely dumbfounded that a piece of cloth which belonged to such a magical actress will now enable me to buy bricks and cement to put the most destitute贫穷的children in the world into schools."


  So it seems this black dress has turned into a rather large pot of gold.



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