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2008年06月20日 10:17 新浪教育
Audrey Hepburn was seen as a new kind of star when she burst onto the scene in 1953. Most other stars then were in the Marilyn Monroe mould--blonde, curvaceous and overtly sexy. In the film Roman Holiday, Hepburn unveiled her look for the first time. She was tall and slim, with elfin features. Hepburn started a trend that has been continued by many since then. The model Kate Moss and actress Winona Ryder are two who many think have been influenced by her style. 奥黛丽·赫本1953年在大银幕一亮相就迅即被看作影坛新星。当时大多数的女星都在模仿玛丽莲·梦露——金发碧眼,曲线优美且公开展露 性感。而在《罗马假日》一片中,赫本第一次展示了她的风格——身材高挑,面容小巧。此后,赫本开启了一股让许多人追随的潮流。女模凯特·莫斯和女星薇诺娜·瑞德就是深深被赫本风格影响的其中两位。But what is the lasting appeal of a woman whose final acting role was in 1989? Why was she voted the most beautiful woman in a magazine poll? Her granddaughter Claire Goldsmith says "It's about those eyes, those big, brown, warm eyes. Women relate to her because she was unthreatening and for men she had that innocence." 是什么令一个在1989年出演了最后一个角色的女性拥有如此持久的新引力?为何她会在杂志的投票选举中成为最美丽的女性?赫本的孙女克莱尔·戈德史密斯说:“都是因为那双大大的,褐色的,充满温暖的眼睛。女人喜欢亲近她因为她看起来不具威胁,男人喜欢她是因为她天真单纯。” For the founder of the charity that will benefit from the sale of the dress, the attraction is perhaps more down to earth. The French author, Dominique Lapierre, set up a charity The City of Joy Aid to help poor people in India. After the auction Dominique said "I am absolutely dumbfounded that a piece of cloth which belonged to such a magical actress will now enable me to buy bricks and cement to put the most destitute贫穷的children in the world into schools." 对于从售出长裙中获益的慈善机构的创始人而言,谈赫本的吸引力也许更实际。法国作家多米尼克·拉皮埃创办了印度济贫慈善组织“欢乐之城”。多米尼克在拍卖后说:“我感到相当惊讶,因为售出这条魅力非凡的女星曾经拥有的长裙后,我现在就能购买砖头和水泥建造学校,并让那些世界上最贫穷的孩子们上学念书。” So it seems this black dress has turned into a rather large pot of gold. 所以说这条黑色长裙变成了一笔巨款。
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