
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月24日 14:11   新浪教育



  Do you work for a manager who meets all your expectations? Do you get along well and respect one another's abilities? If you answered yes to both of these questions, consider yourself lucky. 但是,也有不少职场中人常常有这样的疑问:What can I talk about with the boss especially when having the boss riding along on a long trip?


  Thomas对这次出差感到非常紧张。He has to deal with the boss the whole trip. "Nothing is more stressful than going on a trip with the boss." 而且,这次商务旅行的行程安排得非常紧凑,二人对此都感到很不满。 "They've scheduled the first meeting for 9:30a.m." "That's terrible! Don't they know how long it takes to get there?" 另外,Thomas抱怨很多时候,什么事情还没有确定下来,大家就要跑老远的路过去开会。"The worst thing is, half the time noting is decided on these visits-there's no point in going all the way there, anyway." 事实上,虽然Thomas可以几天不去公司,不用做饭,但是他要成天和老板在一起。" But I don't get away from the boss." 所以He is down in the dumps。

  Thomas的一系列抱怨表明他在和上司相处的时候感到压力万分,他和上司的关系似乎很普通或者不是很好。It's normal to have differences of opinion and style with your supervisor. 所以这时候Thomas最应该做的就是learn to accept these differences and work with them to limit his workplace stress。既然Having a healthy relationship with your supervisor usually means you're more satisfied with the work you do and have less stress,我们就来谈几条和上司的相处之道。

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