

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月08日 17:20   新浪教育


  It's great if we enjoy our work and, even if we don't, it occupies a lot of our time. 你想过换工作吗?招聘会一场接一场,求职者应聘了一家又一家。那么,如何提高求职成功率呢?One of the most important steps in winning a job is to have a successful job interview (or several job interviews). Many job candidates are worried about interviews, and they feel even worse about the interviews given in English. How can you be successful in a job interview? What are the qualities necessary to make you outperform other candidates and get the job? 别着急,接下来的内容就是帮助你从众多的应聘者中脱颖而出。

  这次我们将听到在校生小刘和公司经理之间的一段面试对话。You will learn from Liu's skills for handling a job interview.

  Most job candidates will predict interview questions and prepare the answers before they have job interviews. Good preparation can often help them a great deal in giving their best performance. 有备而来,则无往而不利。就让我们看看英语面试中经常出现的一些问题。

  A. Tell me something about yourself.

  Give me a general introduction about yourself.

  Give me a brief introduction about your education and working experience.

  Please introduce yourself first.

  B. What's your goal for future?

  What will you be in 5 years?

  What do you think your position will be in 5 years?

  What's your blueprint for your future?

  C. What's your advantage / disadvantage for this job?

  What makes you feel confident for this job?

  Why do you like this kind of job?

  D. Tell me your present job description.

  Describe your daily responsibilities.

  What do you do everyday in your office?

  E. What kind of person are you?

  What do you think your colleagues might describe you?

  What do you think your boss might describe you?

  What do you think your friends might describe you?

  F. Do you prefer to work with others or by yourself?

  What kind of people rub you the wrong way?

  What do you look for in a supervisor?

  If you were the boss, list the 3 most important persons for you in your business.

  Describe one of your colleagues whom you like best.

  G. What can you do for us?

  How does your education relate to this job?

  Describe a goal once you achieved and how you got there.

  Suppose you have a chance to design/evaluate/manage a job, which way do you prefer to do it.

  What have you learned from previous jobs you have held?

  H. What's your expectative salary?

  What's your present salary?

  What do you expect to earn?

  What if we can't offer you as you expect?


  MANAGER: Good morning, Mr. Brown! Please sit down!

  SAM: Good morning, sir. Thank you.

  MANAGER: Why did you apply for an internship in this company?

  SAM: Well, sir, your company is located very near the college, so it would be very convenient for me to work here.

  MANAGER: Anything else?

  SAM: Yes, well, your company is an engineering company, and as I am an engineer, it seems I might be able to make myself useful.

  MANAGER: Er, I see. Among the qualities we are looking for is technical ability and practical skills. A lot of university graduates have paper qualifications--but can they deliver? What would you say to that?

  SAM: Yes, well, at my college, we have been working mainly on theoretical aspects so that we have a firm foundation. But each semester we have been asked to work on a practical project of some kind or other.

  Can you give me an example?

  SAM: Yes, well, during the last semester, I did the technical drawing of an experimental water pump. We had to do a presentation at the end of the semester.

  MANAGER: Really! Did you bring the drawing with you?

  SAM: I'm afraid I didn't. I didn't think you would be interested.

  MANAGER: I see! Tell me, did you do that as an individual assignment?

  SAM: Well, I worked with a team of five other people on the pump. I didn't want to get too involved, because of the time factor, so I offered to do the drawing, based on the design that had been worked out.

  MANAGER: What part did the others play in developing the pump?

  SAM: Well, I didn't have time to attend all the meetings, so I'm not sure exactly what everybody did.

  MANAGER: I see. It sounds a bit ambitious.

  SAM: Yes, it was. It took us far too long to get organized, and some of them said they wanted to try it out, and modify it. That was a good thing, I suppose, and I believe in the end it worked quite well, but I didn't get involved in the trials. To be honest, I was worried about our end of semester exams!

  MANAGER: Right, Mr. Brown. That's all for the moment. I'll let you know soon what we decide.

  SAM: Yes, sir. Thank you very much.


  1. theoretical adj.: 理论的,理论上的

  2. trial: 测试,试验

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