2008年07月08日 17:20 新浪教育
下面是面试官对Liu 和 Sam 在各个方面表现的纪录。对比看来,孰优孰劣,立刻显现。 The quality list: Candidate's performance Liu Sam a. Practical skills He has developed a water pump that required almost no external energy to run it. He didn't show us anything except the drawing. b. Communication skills He answered questions clearly, logically and confidently. He answered questions clearly, but the interview with him was neither lively nor interesting. c. Flexibility (灵活性、适应性) He knew what kind of answers the interviewer expected. He didn't quite know what kind of answers the interviewer expected. d. Leadership He persuaded his team members to work with him on his idea about the water pump. He didn't show this ability. e. Ability to work under pressure He and his team worked together day and night in order to finish their project in time. He was very worried about final exams and didn't want to get involved in the project. f. Ability to work in a team He could recognize the importance of every team member, and knew how to work with them. He didn't get involved in the teamwork and didn't know what others were doing. g. Motivation (求职动机) The two reasons he gave at the beginning of the interview are convincing. The two reasons he gave were weak. It seemed that he would work for any engineering company close to where he lived. 通过观看面试考官的记录卡,我们看出Liu的表现比Sam好得太多了。 首先, a good job candidate must have strong motivation.小Liu事先了解了要面试的公司并且表达了这个公司将在他的职业生涯中占据重要地位的想法;而Sam的原因却苍白无力。似乎只要离他学校近的公司他都会考虑。 其次,Also, a good job candidate should have practical skills.Liu showed his skills by presenting his designs of a water pump. Yet, Sam seemed to attach little importance to this skill. 最后,Another quality we are looking for in a job candidate is his ability to work with others. Liu在他的研究小组处于领导地位,而Sam几乎没有介入小组的项目研究。 接下来,我们打算送给大家一份礼物:17Deadly (致命的) Interview Mistakes Job Seekers Make.We hope you will avoid these mistakes in your job interview and we wish you good luck in your future job-hunting!
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