2008年07月15日 10:36 沪江英语
(12)"世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。" a. 不能译成:At the turn of the century, China's diplomacy is most acitive. 因为diplomacy 是没有生命的,active 的主语应当是人。现译The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.就解决了拟人化的问题。 (13)"创新是一个民族进步的灵魂" 初译:……innovation is the soul of a nation's progress. 改译:……innovation sustains the progress of a nation. Soul是有生命的,而innovation则没有,两者在一起是拟人化,改译纠正了这一点。 七、没有注意词类转换。汉译英有时不能完全按照原文是什么词类就译成什么词类,而需要根据情况对词类进行调整和转换。 (14)"我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友而且成为兄弟。" a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothers. b. Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers. 例句b吃透了原文的精神,转换了词类,使用了英语的表达方法,英语味道比前一例句要强。 (15)"轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。" a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued to improve。翻译时词类完全按照中文,因而有Chinglish的味道。 b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and in richer variety。 b比a 例有明显的改进。 (16)"中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。" a. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries. b. A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose on threat to any countries. 例a是字对字翻译,例b比较自然。 II.如何避免Chinglish,使译文读起来像地道的英文 一、首先要吃透中文的精神,摆脱中文字面的束缚,从英语读者的角度出发,按照英语习惯,对句子进行重组,以清晰的文字表达原文的意思。 (17)"维护世界和平是大有希望的。" a. To maintain world peace is very hopeful. b. There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace.这两句基本上是字对字翻译。 c. The prospect for world peace is very bright. d. The prospects for world peace are very encouraging indeed.后两句英文比较通顺。 (18)"同时,也从一个角度反映了他们心怀祖国,放眼世界的精神面貌和文化生活。" 初译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mental outlook of having the whole country in mind and the whole world in view as well as their cultural life. 改译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mental outlook, their love for the motherland and wide-ranging interest in the world as well as their cultural life. 初译句子用了套语,比较臃肿,不好懂。改译后比较通顺易懂。 二、在工作中有意识地记录常用语和老大难的译例。多听外电、大量阅读英文原著原文,尤其是关于中国的文章,看看外国人对同一个词、同一个事物以及成语如何表达,进行比较研究后"择优录取"较贴切的用法,为我所用。(但在借用这些词汇和表达方法时,一定要注意其政治倾向和不同的上下文)例如: (19)"新世纪即将到来之际",外报、外电中有很多说法,搜集起来,用时就方便了。 As the new century approaches On the verge of the new century At the dawn of the new century At the threshould of the new century As the new century is just round the corner (2)"……增长百分之几十,有的成倍增长" increase by double-digit percentages or in some cases several-fold 如果有具体数字,譬如:增长了百分之7.4,翻译不会有任何困难。但"百分之几十"则不好表达,既然外报有这种表达法,而且与中文也恰好吻合,我们拿来用就是了。 (21)bring out the best in people,"人尽其才"通常译为:put people's talents to the best use,而现英文句型更生动地表达了"充分发挥人的能力"的意思 (Tichets, priced from…to…)are far out of the reach of the ordinary workers,"望尘莫及" If…, all the other problems would melt away."迎刃而解" A special one-time case"下不为例" Visitors who overstayed their pemnits"客人住宿证明过期"
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