2008年08月04日 15:15 沪江英语
可是青年人热烈的求知欲望和好高骛远的劲头,管它懂不懂,她还是如饥如渴地读下去。(杨沫:《青春之歌》)Yet her youthful craving for knowledge, her aspiring spirit, made her read on eagerly whether she understood or not. 其四,部队的指挥要给以独断专行的权力,要使其能独立作战,分区活动,不怕留在敌人背后,不怕被敌人切断。(《周恩来选集》,上卷)Fourth, commanders of the army units must be given the power to make independent decisions, so that they can operate independently in separate areas and have no fear of remaining behind enemy lines or of being cut off. 7—9也都是汉语成语,这3条成语一般都含贬义。但在这几个特殊的上下文中,这几条成语都一反常态,抛弃了原来的贬义色彩。“一团和气”原意是只求和睦相处,不讲原则,含贬义,而现在意指气氛融洽,感情色彩属中性;“好高骛远”原意为不切实际地追求过高或过远的目标,含贬义,而现在意为胸怀雄心壮志,含褒义;“独断专行”原意为行事专断,不考虑别人的意见,形容作风不民主,含贬义,而现在意为不受别人支配,一切由自己做主,含褒义。
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