2008年08月21日 15:00 新浪教育
![]() Bethesda_fountain喷泉
很难想象,如果没有中央公园,纽约人将如何缓解超负荷工作所带来的疲倦。中央公园是纽约的“后花园”,面积340公顷的大片绿地为居民和游客提供了消遣娱乐和欣赏美景的好地方。1858年又弗雷德里克.罗.欧姆斯特和卡尔福特.沃克斯设计的这个公园花费了16年的时间建造并且种植了超过50万株树苗和灌木。在这里,你可以看到哥特式建筑牛奶房,最受儿童欢迎的安徒生铜像,毕士达(Bethesda)喷泉及露天广场,眺望台城堡等美丽的景观。 Central park A sweeping(大规模的), rectangular greensward(草皮) located in the geographical center of Manhattan, Central park provides a haven(港湾) of greenery, light and air to the more than 20 million people who flock (聚集)to the park every year. Covering 843 acres and measuring 2.5 mile long by .5mi wide, the man-made park extends from 59th to 11th streets, and the fifth avenue to central park west. Framed(被…框住) by the silhouettes(轮廓) of surrounding buildings, the park offers a quiet oasis(绿洲) in the heart of bustling Manhattan, with many opportunities for the recreation.
![]() 中央公园的园中园
![]() 公园中休息的人们
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