

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月02日 17:23   新浪教育

  11. Of all the stratagems, to know when to quit is the best.

  12. Once on a tiger's back, it is hard to alight.

  13. One monk shoulders water by himself; two can still share the labor among them. When it comes to three, they have to go thirsty.

  14. Paper can't wrap up a fire.

  15. A smile will gain you ten more years of life.

  16. A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.

  17. Some prefer carrot while others like cabbage.

  18. Steal a bell with one's ears covered.

  19. There are always ears on the other side of the wall.

  20. Vicious as a tigress can be, she never eats her own cubs.


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