2008年09月05日 14:45 新浪教育
所谓“中国政府灭绝西藏文化”是一派谎言。 Claim of China’s "cultural genocide" in Tibet nothing but lie. 用人民的钱为人民谋利益。(有关财政体制改革) use people's money to serve people's needs 我相信13亿人民微笑着面对世界,全世界人民也会微笑着对待中国。(有关北京奥运会) I have confidence that the smiles of 1.3 billion people in front of the world will be reciprocated by the smiles of the people from all over the world. 周虽旧邦,其命维新(《诗经》);如将不尽,与古为新(《诗品》)。(有关解放思想) Although Zhou was an ancient state, it had a reform mission; only innovation could ensure the growth and vitality of a nation.
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