

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月22日 10:45   新浪教育
You Can Be the Most Unlikely Hero

  You Can Be the Most Unlikely Hero

  Po: “There is no charge for awesomeness - or attractiveness.”

  As you probably guessed by now, Po saved the day. He realized that he could be awesome if he chose to believe so. And he was indeed the Dragon Warrior, after all! What you can take from the movie, Kung Fu Panda, is this: Take action to fulfill your destiny, even if at first you think you suck. You just need to believe that you are Special. And in pursuing your path, you may just discover awesomeness – or attractiveness – is who You really are; and there is no charge for that!

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  fret v. 焦虑,烦恼

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