

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月14日 14:15   新浪教育


  Bosses in general can be a pain in the ... well, you know, but a new study finds that your boss' gender can affect just how much pain he or she seems to inflict.


  Researchers at the University of Toronto used data from a national telephone survey of working adults in the United States and compared the stress levels and physical health problems of men and women working in one of three situations: for a lone male supervisor, a lone female supervisor, or for both a male and female supervisor.


  The study found that:研究发现:

  * Women who had only one female boss reported more psychological distress (such as trouble sleeping, difficulty focusing on work, depression and anxiety) and physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomach pain or heartburn, neck and back pain and tiredness) than women who worked for one male boss.

  * 只有一个女上司的女职员精神压力较大(如睡眠差,工作时难以集中精力、抑郁和沮丧等),身体不适症状较多(如头痛、胃痛,胃灼烧,颈部或背部不适以及疲倦),而拥有一个男上司的女员工情况则要好得多。

  * Women who reported to a mixed-gender pair of supervisors also reported more of these symptoms than their peers who worked for a single male boss.

  * 与只有一位男上司的女员工相比,拥有一男一女两位上司的女员工所出现的这些不适症状也较多。

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