

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月14日 14:15   新浪教育

  * Men who worked for a single supervisor, regardless of the supervisor's gender, had similar levels of distress. Men who worked for a mixed-gender pair had fewer mental and physical symptoms than those working for a lone male supervisor.

  * 只有一位上司的男职员,无论这位上司是男是女,他们感受到的压力基本相当。有一男一女两位上司的男职员出现的心理和生理问题比仅有一位男上司的职员少。

  The analysis, detailed in the September issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, controlled for occupation, job sector and other workplace conditions, meaning the results were independent of these factors.


  The findings, specifically those of female subordinates with females bosses, contradict theories suggested by previous studies that demographic similarities between a boss and their subordinate would promote harmony in the work place, while demographic differences would create problems.


  The researchers speculated that these contradictions may stem from the stereotype that it is more "normal" for men to be leaders and display the typical leadership characteristics. So while female subordinates may expect more "aggressive" traits from a male leader, they could expect more support from a supervisor who is also female than they actually get, said study co-author Scott Schieman.



  Women leaders who "act like men" in terms of society's unconscious expectations may be viewed more negatively, Schieman said.


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