2008年11月10日 16:20 新浪教育
《灰姑娘》的蓝色靓女:在仙女教母的帮助下,辛蒂芮拉穿着漂亮的晚礼服参加王子的晚会——当然我们都知道结果她提前离场,还丢了水晶鞋。如今这条可爱的蓝色大裙子和那座城堡一样,成为辛蒂瑞拉幸福生活的标志。 Cinderella's Blue Belle of the Ball Thanks to her Fairy Godmother, Cinderella was able to attend the Prince's ball in this graceful gown — of course we all know the night didn't end so well with her losing her glass slipper and all. Today, the baby blue voluminous dress has become just as iconic as the castle Cinderella was destined to live in.
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