2008年11月19日 15:47 新浪教育
Coffee can be good for you--the stronger, the better. Coffee contains tannin and antioxidants, which are good for the heart and arteries, Dr Trombetti says. 咖啡对你有好处——而且越浓越好。特龙贝蒂说,咖啡中含有丹宁酸和抗氧化剂,对心脏和动脉有好处。 It can relieve headaches. It is good for the liver--and can help prevent cirrhosis and gallstones. 咖啡可以缓解头痛,对肝脏有好处——有助于防止肝硬化和胆结石。 And the caffeine in coffee can reduce the risk of asthma attacks--and help improve circulation within the heart. 咖啡中的咖啡因可以降低患哮喘的危险——促进心脏内循环。 There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone. If you drink too much it can increase nervousness, and cause rapid heartbeat and trembling hands. 无可否认,咖啡不一定适合每个人。如果你喝得太多的话,咖啡会加剧神经过敏,并引起心跳加速、双手发抖。 Pregnant women, heart patients, and anyone with a stomach ulcer are usually advised to avoid it. 通常建议孕妇,心脏病患者和胃溃疡患者不要喝咖啡。 And even Dr Trombetti says no one should drink more than three or four cups a day. 连特龙贝蒂博士都说每天喝咖啡不应该超过3-4杯。 Many parents might be horrified at the thought. But Dr Trombetti is adamant that a cup of milky coffee could make the ideal start for the next generation of coffee lovers--Italy's drowsy school kids--stimulating their brains ahead of a day that often lasts from 0830 until 1600. 许多家长可能会对这样的想法感到恐惧。但是特龙贝蒂博士坚持认为一杯牛奶咖啡对于下一代咖啡爱好者—— 意大利众多爱瞌睡的学龄儿童来说是一个理想的开始,它会让孩子们的大脑从早上8点30到下午16点都充满活力。
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