

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月26日 10:35   新浪教育


  You're about to start the search for a new job, no doubt there are so many emotions swirling, fear top among them. Fear that you won't find a job as quickly as you'd like. Fear that it won't be the right job, or pay an adequate salary. Fear of the rejection letters, emails, calls you suspect will come.


  The thing about fear is it can be immobilizing and incredibly unhelpful when you need to be at your most confident. So acknowledge it, yes, then put it aside to get to the work of networking and searching for the best jobs to apply for. You'll need to boost your confidence because one of those hovering fears is bound to come slamming down more than once during an aggressive job hunt -- the fear of rejection. Whether it comes in the form of an email, a call, a letter, or no response at all, it is all but impossible to escape rejection on the trail to employment. Know it's going to happen, and know that you can bounce back from each rejection by learning something from each experience.


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