

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月08日 16:26   新浪教育

  23 Take things easy 放轻松

  To relax

  Example: It's better for our health to take things easy than to worry about problems all the time.

  24 Eat like a horse 吃得很多

  To eat a lot; to have a very big appetite

  Example: Fred eats like a horse. When I was a growing lad like him, I used to eat a lot, too.

  25 Catch one’s eye 吸引某人注意

  To attract somebody’s attention

  Example: A movement behind the curtain caught my eye – I thought it was a burglar and rushed out of the room!

  26 Have an eye for something 对某事(某物体)了解得非常清楚

  To be very good at doing something, or have a great understanding of something.

  Example: As a botanist, he has to describe and draw plants accurately, so he must have an eye for detail.

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