2008年12月08日 16:26 新浪教育
47 Keep somebody posted 传达消息 To regularly give somebody up-to-date information or details of the progress being made. Example: I phoned in at the end of each working day to keep my boss posted about developments at the trade conference. 48 In the long run 最终, 最后 Over a long period of time, once a process has matured Example: The grocery store is making a loss right now. In the long run, however, we hope to achieve a situation of stable profit. 49 On a shoestring 生活拮据 In a thrifty manner; with costs or spending down to a bare minimum Example: She lives on a shoestring – she gets a tiny pension and has to budget very tightly. 50 Lose track of 失去消息, 失去线索 To lose contact with somebody to not know where something is Example: I lost track of Fran when she moved to Boston. I’ve even tried to locate her on the Internet.
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