2008年12月09日 13:21 新浪教育
21、to write(someone or something)off: to throw away or to discard(抛弃或者丢弃); to deduct a business loss(在经商失败时,也用于报销、注销或扣除损失的数额中) After a hot argument, she wrote off her boyfriend. 她和男朋友大吵了一架之后,就把他甩了。 He will write off the charitable contributions from his income taxes. 他从所得税中扣除了慈善募捐的金额。 22、to take up with (someone): to date someone or to fall in love with someone(对某人产生兴趣,或与某人开始亲密交往) After he met her at the bar, he took up with her. 自从在酒吧见过一面之后,他对她产生了兴趣。 As she is such a pretty woman, many men would like to take up with her. 像她这么漂亮的女人,许多男人都对她有兴趣。 24、to pave the way to (or for): to make the path or to lay a groundwork of something(为……铺平道路或为……做好准备) A good education will pave the way to finding a decent job. 好的教育是好的工作的基础。 Early space exploration has paved the way for the current space station. 早期的太空探索为如今的太空站建设奠定了基础。 25、to paint the town red: to enjoy oneself; to have a good time(尽情享受) He is going out tonight to paint the town red. 他今天晚上要玩个痛快。 Miss Chen really painted the town red last week with her friends. 陈小姐上周和朋友玩得很尽兴。
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