

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月10日 17:36   沪江英语

  干煸四季豆 :Dry-Fried French Beans with Minced Pork and Preserved Vegetables

  清炒芥兰 :Sautéed Chinese Broccoli

  烧二冬 :Braised Mushroom and Bamboo Shoots

  油浸娃娃菜 :Baby Cabbage in Soy Sauce

  滑子菇扒菜胆 :Sautéed Chinese Greens with Mushrooms

  蚝油冬菇 :Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce

  罗汉腐皮卷 :Tofu Rolls

  素咕噜肉 :Sweet and Sour Vegetables

  上汤芥菜胆 :Chinese Broccoli in Chicken Consommé蒜蓉豆苗 :Sautéed Pea Sprouts with Chopped Garlic

  干锅笋片 :Griddle Cooked Bamboo Shoots

  瓦罐山珍 :Mushrooms in Pottery Pot

  酸菜粉丝 :Sautéed Pickled Cabbage and Vermicelli

  剁椒炒鸡蛋 :Scrambled Egg with Chopped Chili Pepper

  清炒红菜苔 :Sautéed Chinese Kale

  剁椒娃娃菜 :Sautéed Baby Cabbage with Chopped Chili Pepper

  剁椒土豆丝 :Sautéed Shredded Potato with Chopped Chili Pepper

  干煸扁豆 :Dry-Fried French Beans

  清炒丝瓜 :Sautéed Sponge Gourd

  水煮萝卜丝 :Poached Shredded Turnip

  烤汁茄子 :Roasted Eggplant

  蚝油茄子 :Sautéed Eggplant with Oyster Sauce


木耳 :Sautéed Black Fungus with Scallion

  干锅台菇 :Griddle Cooked Mushrooms

  沙葱炒鸡蛋 :Scrambled Egg with Goldball Onion

  醋溜豆芽 :Fried Bean Sprouts with Vinegar Sauce

  黄豆芽炒豆腐 :Sautéed Tofu with Bean Sprouts

  荷塘百花藕 :Braised Sliced Lotus Roots

  鲜虾西芹 :Sautéed Shrimps with Celery

  杏仁炒南瓜 :Sautéed Pumpkin with Almonds

  地三鲜 :Sautéed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant

  酱烧茄子 :Braised Eggplant with Soy Bean Paste

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