

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月15日 14:26   新浪教育

  测测看,你是Tomboy还是Girly Girl?

  1 You See A Really Big Spider What Do You Do? 看到大蜘蛛怎么办?

  a Run and scream like mad and get someone to kill it! 尖叫着跑开,让他人帮忙杀死!

  b Just ignore it! 视而不见!

  c Pick it up and chase all the girls with it! 拿起来吓唬其他女孩子!

  2 Your getting ready to go out with your friends what do you wear? 和朋友出门穿什么?

  a A Designer Denim Skirt With Pink Leggings ! 斜纹短裙,粉色裹腿袜!

  b A Tank Top And Baggy Jeans! 无袖背心和宽松仔裤!

  c A Hoodie And Baggy Ripped Jeans! 穿运动衣,裹头巾戴帽子,和宽松的乞丐装仔裤!

  3 If You Were Putting On Make-Up What Would You Put On? 怎么化妆?

  a Pink Lipstick, Silver Eye Shadow, Eye-liner, Mascara and Pink Nail Varnish!! 粉色口红,银色眼影,描眼线,描眉,粉色指甲油!

  b A Bit Of Lip Gloss! 涂点唇彩!

  c I Never Wear Make-Up!!! 从不化妆!

  4 Do You Like Sports? 喜欢运动吗?

  a No Way It'll Ruin My Manicure!! 不,这会碰断我的指甲!

  b Yes I Do I Love Football! 是的,我很喜欢足球。

  c Yessss I Love All Sports Including Skate-Boarding!! 当然,我热爱包括滑板在内的所有运动。



  Girly Girl! “真女人”

  You are real girly and love pink,make-up and shopping but hate bugs. You also have a great taste in fashion!!!!


  Totaly Tomboy!! “假小子”

  You are defintily a tomboy! You love skate-boarding,sports and hoodies but you really hate pink,make-up and skirts!


  Not So Girly! 两种特质兼而有之

  You aren't a girly girl or a tomboy. You love sports. You don't really like make-up the only make-up you put on is lipstck!!

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