

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月17日 10:19   新浪教育

  91. “抓大放小”:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;

  92. “市政府要办的X件实事”:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government’s working agenda;

  93. “两个基本点”:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC,I.e.upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy。

  94. “投资热点”:a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand, popular investment spot

  95. “移动电话”:本系cellular(有时简作cel)或mobile(tele)phone

  96. “三角债”:chain debts或debt chains

  97. “拳头产品”:knockout product

  98. “投诉热线”:dial-a-cheat confidential hotline(打电话告诉一件欺诈事件)

  99. “三通”的现译文three links:link of trade,travel and post

  100. “外资”:overseas investments

  101. “开放”:open to the outside world

  102. “联防”:community/teampolicing(一种由警察和辖区居民共同参与的治安管理)

  103. “三陪服务”:escort services(陪伴服务)。

  104. “五讲四美”:five stresses and four points of beauty

  105. “暴利”:excessive/extravagant/exorbitant/sudden huge profit (windfall profit也好)

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