
http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月22日 15:55   新浪教育


  Have you been a bit stressed during past Christmas seasons? Does it seem like the holidays bring too much to do? By organizing Christmas this year you can help to make this a low-stress holiday. Here are a few Christmas organizing tips to get organized for Christmas.


  Automate your card list

  Enter the information in a spreadsheet. Use separate columns for each item in the address such as first name, last name, street address, city, province and postal code. Use mail merge with your word processor to create address labels. You can also create columns on your spreadsheet to track gift ideas, friends’ children’s names, ages, birthdays, etc.



  Have a gift-wrap center

  Keep a storage bin for wrapping supplies under your bed or in a closet. Include wrapping paper, scissors, tape, name tags, bows and any other supplies you might need. Do not borrow from these supplies for other areas of your home. If you have to search for a gift-wrap supply each time you need to use it, that’s not organized or easy.



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