

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年01月15日 09:58   新东方

  Getting fired, unfortunately, can happen to the best of us. It can happen even when it's not your fault. There could be a personality conflict between yourself and your supervisor. Your idea of what the job was going to be like might differ from what management was thinking. You could have simply screwed up. It happens. You're not alone. Experts estimate that at least 250,000 workers are illegally or unjustly fired each year and that's not counting those that were justifiably terminated. Regardless of the circumstances, what to do if you've been fired? Where do you go from here?


  Getting Fired 被炒鱿鱼

  First of all, don't beat yourself up. As I said, getting fired can happen to the best of us. Don't dwell on it. Instead, focus on what you are going to do next and how you are going to find another job. Keeping in mind that another hurdle - the stigma of being fired - has just been added to your job search. That said, there are ways you can address this issue and put it in at least a neutral, if not a positive, light.


  Legal Issues 法律问题

  Before you begin a job search consider where you stand from a legal perspective. Was your firing legitimate or could it be considered wrongful termination? Are you eligible for unemployment benefits? If you were fired for misconduct you may not be eligible, but, don't presume that is the case. Check with your state unemployment office, especially if you have a different opinion than your employer does about how you parted ways. In many cases, if it isn't clearcut, the unemployment office will lean towards the unemployed job seeker, rather than the employer, when making a decision on unemployment compensation benefits.

  在开始找工作之前要确认一下法律问题,你是被合法炒掉的还是被不正当的终结合同了呢?你够条件领失业保险吗? 如果因为渎职被炒你可能拿不了失业保险,但是不要自己假定情况如何。联系一下当地的相关部门,尤其是你和雇主意见不同的时候。很多时候,如果说不清楚了,失业赔偿的仲裁通常都会偏向失业者而不是雇主。

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