2009年02月03日 14:00 沪江英语
用发展的眼光看中国 See China in the Light of Her Development ━━在剑桥大学的演讲 Speech at the University of Cambridge 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年2月2日 Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2 February 2009 尊敬的理查德校长,女士们,先生们: Vice Chancellor Alison Richard, Ladies and Gentlemen, 来到向往已久的剑桥大学,非常高兴。剑桥举世闻名,培养出牛顿、达尔文、培根等许多杰出的科学家、思想家,为人类文明进步作出了重要贡献。今年是剑桥建校800周年,我谨致以热烈祝贺! It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit. Cambridge has produced many great scientists and thinkers Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Francis Bacon, to name but a few, and made important contribution to the progress of human civilization. This year marks the 800th anniversary of the university. Please accept my warm congratulations. 这是我第四次访问英国。中英相距遥远,但两国人民的友好交往不断增多。香港问题的圆满解决,经贸、文教、科技等领域的有效合作,为发展中英全面战略伙伴关系奠定了坚实基础。在此,我向长期致力于中英友好的朋友们表示崇高的敬意! This is my fourth visit to your country. Despite the great distance between China and Britain, the friendly exchanges between our peoples have been on the rise. The successful resolution of the question of Hong Kong and fruitful cooperation between our two countries in areas such as economy, trade, culture, education, science and technology have cemented the foundation of our comprehensive strategic partnership. Here, I wish to pay high tribute to all those who have been working tirelessly to promote friendly ties between our two countries. 今天,我演讲的题目是:用发展的眼光看中国。 The title of my speech today is "See China in the Light of Her Development". 我深深爱着的祖国——古老而又年轻。 My beloved motherland is a country both old and young. 说她古老,她是一个有着数千年文明史的东方大国。中华民族以自己的勤劳和智慧,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类发展作出过重大贡献。 She is old, because she is a big Oriental country with a civilization stretching back several thousand years. With diligence and wisdom, the Chinese nation created a splendid civilization and made significant contributions to the progress of humanity. 说她年轻,新中国成立才60年,改革开放才30年。中国人民经过长期不懈的斗争建立了新中国,又经过艰苦的探索,终于找到了适合国情的发展道路——中国特色社会主义道路,文明古国焕发了青春活力。 She is young, because the People's Republic is just 60 years old, and the country began reform and opening-up only 30 years ago. The Chinese people established the New China after unremitting struggles and ultimately found a development path suited to China's national conditions through painstaking efforts. This is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Following this path, our ancient civilization has been rejuvenated. 中国改革开放,最重要的是解放思想,最根本、最具有长远意义的是体制创新。我们推进经济体制改革,建立了社会主义市场经济体制。在政府的宏观调控下,充分发挥市场对资源配置的基础性作用。我们深化政治体制改革,把发展民主和完善法制结合起来,实行人民当家作主,依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家。 The key element of China's reform and opening-up is to free people's mind and the most fundamental and significant component is institutional innovation. Through economic reform, we have built a socialist market economy, where the market plays a primary role in allocating resources under government macro-regulation. We have carried out political reform, promoted democracy and improved the legal system. People are the masters of the country. We run the country according to law and endeavor to build a socialist country under the rule of law. 改革开放的实质,就是坚持以人为本,通过解放和发展生产力满足人们日益增长的物质文化需求,在公正的条件下促进人的全面发展;就是保障人民的民主权利,让国家政通人和、兴旺发达;就是维护人的尊严和自由,让每个人的智慧和力量得以迸发,成功地追求自己的幸福生活。 The essence of China's reform and opening-up is to put people first and meet their ever growing material and cultural needs through releasing and developing productive forces. It aims to give everyone equal opportunities for all-round development. It aims to protect the democratic rights of the people and promote stability, harmony and prosperity across the land. And it aims to safeguard the dignity and freedom of everyone so that he or she may pursue happiness with ingenuity and hard work. 30年来,中国贫困人口减少了2亿多,人均寿命提高了5岁,8300万残疾人得到政府和社会的特殊关爱,这是中国保障人权的光辉业绩。九年免费义务教育的推行,农村合作医疗制度的建立,社会保障体系的完善,使学有所教、病有所医、老有所养的理想,正在变为现实。 Over the past three decades, more than 200 million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty, the average life expectancy has increased by 5 years, and the 83 million people with disabilities in China have received special care from the government and the society. All this points to the tremendous efforts China has made to protect human rights. We have introduced free nine-year compulsory education throughout the country, established the cooperative medical system in the rural areas and improved the social safety net. The age-old dream of the Chinese nation is being turned into reality a dream to see the young educated, the sick treated and the old cared for. 我愿借用两句唐诗形容中国的现状:“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。”中国人正在努力实现现代化,这是一个古而又新的发展中大国进行的一场伟大实践。掌握了自己命运的中国人民,对未来充满信心! I want to quote from a Tang Dynasty poem to describe what is happening in China, "From shore to shore it is wide at high tide, and before fair wind a sail is lifting." The Chinese people are working hard to modernize their country. This is a great practice in a large developing country both ancient and new. The Chinese people, with destiny in their own hands, are full of confidence in their future. 我深深爱着的祖国——历经磨难而又自强不息。 My beloved motherland is a country that stood numerous vicissitudes but never gave up. 我年轻时曾长期工作在中国的西北地区。在那浩瀚的沙漠中,生长着一种稀有的树种,叫胡杨。它扎根地下50多米,抗干旱、斗风沙、耐盐碱,生命力极其顽强。它“生而一千年不死,死而一千年不倒,倒而一千年不朽”,世人称为英雄树。我非常喜欢胡杨,它是中华民族坚韧不拔精神的象征。 Earlier in my career, I worked in northwest China for many years. There, in the boundless desert, grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar. Rooted over 50 meters down the ground, they thrive in hostile environments, defying droughts, sandstorms and salinization. They are known as the "hero tree", because a euphrates poplar can live for a thousand years. Even after it dies, it stands upright for a thousand years, and even after it falls, it stays intact for another thousand years. I like euphrates poplar because they symbolize the resilience of the Chinese nation.
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