

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月06日 10:39   新浪教育

  Philosopher #3: Thomas Hobbes, the Realist

  Today Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) is lauded as one of the founders of political science. In his own lifetime, however, his books were banned and burned, and he was forced to flee multiple countries to save his neck—all because of Leviathan. In this, his most famous book, Hobbes argues that people are fundamentally selfish and aggressive and will only curtail their natural nastiness out of fear of a powerful leader. He softened this grim view by saying that the leader should be someone whom people agree should hold power, not simply the strongest guy around. Now known as the social contract, this notion irked those in power, since it implied that monarchs need the consent of the people to be legitimate. Hobbes’s work became the fountainhead of all liberal revolutionary movements for the next 300 years.



  Philosopher #4: Karl Marx, the Communist

  A radical political thinker who became an even more radical self-taught economist, Karl Marx (1818–1883) was hounded out of France, Belgium, and then France again. Today he is remembered (or reviled, depending on your view) as the father of communism. Marx’s body of work is vast, but its most infamous highlights are Capital and The Communist Manifesto. The former explains how capitalism works, especially how it exploits the working classes. The latter urges workers to unite for the overthrow of world capitalism. While the transformation he called for didn’t happen in his own lifetime, Russia and China, among others, experienced successful communist revolutions in the 20th century. Even noncommunist countries like the United States adopted many of Marx’s socialist ideas, including free education and a graduated income tax. Marx hasn’t lost his capacity to scare people: in 2005, a conservative magazine named the Manifesto the most dangerous book ever written.



  Philosopher #5: Friedrich Nietzsche, the Challenger

  Raised to be a Lutheran minister, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) no doubt disappointed his mother when he declared “God is dead” (and it’s a good thing she was long gone by the time the Nazis drew inspiration from Nietzsche’s books)。 Nietzsche was an extremely complex thinker who wrote on a wide variety of subjects, but his most controversial arguments concern morality. Arguing that Western civilization has lost any real faith in a higher power (that’s what he means about God being dead), Nietzsche claimed that we need to toss off the antiquated morality that went with Judeo-Christian life and embrace our natural creative powers more fully. A challenge to readers to be brave enough to live rich, full lives, Nietzsche’s philosophy still serves as an inspiration to those who are frustrated with religion and a threat to those who aren’t.



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