

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月06日 10:39   新浪教育


  Dangerous Minds

    5 Philosophers Who Shocked the World


  Who says great minds think alike? Great minds think nothing alike. To make it big as a philosopher, you have to say something so new and different that it shocks people into paying attention. Here are five controversial philosophers who risked being arrested, deported, and even executed because of their radical ideas.



  Philosopher #1: Socrates, the Questioner

  A poor stonemason, Socrates (469–399 bce) spent his free time wandering around Athens asking questions like How do you know whether something is true or false? and Why do you live the kind of life you do? Socrates’ questions inspired others—including a burly young wrestler named Plato—to follow him around and ask him questions. And so philosophy was born. But not everyone thought all of this questioning was a good thing. Fearing that Socrates encouraged immorality and disloyalty, the Greek bigwigs put him on trial. In his defense, Socrates offered a remark that has stood as the motto of philosophy ever since: “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates’ trial resulted in a death sentence, making him history’s first martyr to free thought.


  苏格拉底(469-399 BC)本是一个穷石匠,在闲暇时间,他会信步于雅典的街道,向人们提问一些问题,比如“你怎么知道事情的对错?” 或者“你为什么过现在这样的生活?” 苏格拉底的问题启发了周围的人,包括一个名叫柏拉图的长得很结实的年轻摔跤手,他们追随着他,并且反过来向他提问题。哲学就这样诞生了。但是并不是所有的人都认为他这种问东问西的做法是件好事。由于害怕苏格拉底会诱导伤风败俗和不忠不信,希腊贵族将他送上了法庭。苏格拉底在为自己辩护时所说的一句话从此成了哲学的警句:“未经审视的生活是毫无价值的”。审讯的结果是苏格拉底被判死刑,这也使他成了历史上第一个为自由思想而殉道的人。

  Philosopher #2: Niccolò Machiavelli, the Schemer

  When your name becomes a synonym for evil scheming, you know you’ve hit the philosophical big time. Such is the fate of Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527), a Florentine diplomat whose big yet simple idea really messed with everyone’s minds. In his book The Prince, Machiavelli examines what rulers actually do to maintain power. He finds that they lie, manipulate, steal, and kill their way to the top, and if you want to be a good ruler, you have to be prepared to do these things too. Machiavelli isn’t necessarily defending or recommending this behavior; he’s just reporting the facts. In true Machiavellian fashion, the author was canny enough to wait until he was dead to publish his book, which has outraged readers (and inspired schemers) ever since.



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