2009年02月06日 11:54 新浪教育
Although interacting with girls seems like an intimidating endeavor to many guys, adhering to certain principles allows it to be a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 尽管对很多男生而言与女生交往简直是噩梦,但遵循以下几个简单的原则将会给你带来很多愉快的体验。 Steps操作步骤: 1. Be yourself. 做你自己。 It's important to maintain self confidence by being yourself around girls. If you adopt an alternate personality to attract girls, you will eventually be weighed down with the feeling that your true self isn't good enough. It may help to develop and improve your social skills, but any girls that don't appreciate you for who you are don't deserve your attention. 在与女生们交往的过程中做好自己、拥有自信是非常重要的。如果你改变自己的个性去吸引她们的话,到头来你会感到很失落——因为真实的你差劲到无法吸引女生。做你自己可以培养你的社交技巧,任何不欣赏你的女生都不值得你关注。 2. Respect all girls equally. 平等地尊重每个女生。 You stand a much better chance of making a good overall impression if you treat girls that don't interest you just as nicely as those that do. This doesn't mean that you need to talk to or flirt with every girl, but don't ignore them or treat them dismissively. Don't talk to a girl about other girls' attractiveness; it's distasteful and can degrade the girl's opinion of herself. You generally shouldn't talk about past relationships you've had, or other girls that interest you; it detracts from building a new relationship. 如果你将恐龙和美女一视同仁的话,这会给她们带来深刻的印象,你也会因此得到更好的机 会。这并不意味着你得同每个女生闲扯或调情,但请不要无视恐龙们的存在,更不要去鄙视她们。不要在一个女生面前谈论其他女生的魅力,这会让她们感到厌恶,甚至看轻自己。通常来讲别扯你的那些风流往事,或其他的女友候选人,这对建立新的关系是非常不利的。 3. Make eye contact. 眉目传情。 Many girls like it when you can't take your eyes off them, but not when you're staring at their boobs. Although there are some girls that may enjoy such attention, you won't offend anyone by focusing on her face instead. Do not ogle her. Just remember to use discretion and show proper respect. 很多女生喜欢看到男生的目光黏在自己的身上,但是不要老盯着她们的胸部看,尽管有个别女生确实有此嗜好,你还是盯着她们的脸比较好,但可别用色迷迷的眼神。记住目光中应该透露出你慎重以及尊敬。 4. Make them feel special. 让她们感到很特别。 Girls like it when you're forward but not in a creepy way. Smile at her in a way that's clear, friendly, and/or playful. If you feel compelled to honesty, you can offer a sincere compliment. For example, you could say "Did anyone ever tell you that you have a beautiful smile?" Eyes are another good one--they're not the easiest thing to notice, and it shows you were looking at her face. Select something good that is reserved for her only; it will make her feel wonderfully special, admired, and beautiful. 女生们很欣赏你的勇敢,但不要吓到她们。单纯友好甚至戏虐的微笑都是可以的。如果你希望能坦诚一些,那么可以诚挚地恭维一下。例如,你可以说,“有人说过你的微笑很迷人吗?”眼睛也是个不错的选择,即使你不容易注意到,这也可以暗示你在认真地看她的脸。选择她独有的特点切入,这会让她感到拥有特别的感受,觉得自己很美丽,受人爱慕。 5. Be a gentleman. 做一个绅士。 Girls love guys that are polite and courteous. It's just a matter of doing simple things like holding doors open for them and being respectful in other ways. Some claim chivalry is dead, but if you believe that, then you're going to have some problems getting a girl's interest. 女生们喜欢那些彬彬有礼的男生。做到这一点也很简单——帮她们开门或者以礼相待。某些骑士时代的礼节已经过时,如果你坚持使用,这会让她们感到很诡异,反而会弄巧成拙。
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