2009年02月06日 11:54 新浪教育
6. Make her laugh. 逗她开心。 Being funny is one of the most attractive qualities a guy can have, and if you're not "handsome", a girl will usually overlook that! If you're not goofy but you have a very dry,sarcastic sense of humor, use that. Just watch your timing and try not to be too goofy, or you may make a fool of yourself. It's okay to tease her a little, but generally not about her appearance. 风趣是每个男生都应具有的品质,相比于“帅气”,女生们更重于此。如果你智商不低,而且还拥有独特的幽默感,那么尽管拿来用吧。把握时机也很重要,可以揶揄对方,但是原则上不要拿她的相貌来开玩笑。 7. Notice when you're having a conversation and she seems uncomfortable, change the subject. 注意碰到女生不喜欢的话题时,要转换话题。 Watch her movements, if she's shifting her weight a lot and not making eye contact, chances are she's uncomfortable. 留意她的举动,如果你发现她们频繁地变换姿势或者与你没有眼神的交流,那就表示她们对当前的话题感到不适。 8. Recognize that physical contact should be limited by the state of your relationship. 肢体接触的范围应依当前所处的关系而定。 *Acquaintances--A handshake when introducing yourself is probably a reasonable limit for a first meeting. You can also subtly brush your hand against her hand or arm. *初识。初次见面可以握握手。你的手可以轻轻地划过她的手或胳膊。 *Casual Friends or Prospective Dates--You could try something like touching her hair or playfully poking her in the side and asking if she is ticklish. This is generally considered flirting, and if a girl doesn't appreciate your advances, it's best to apologize and refrain from making similar contact. *临时的朋友或约会预备队员。摸摸她的头发,或者挠挠痒。这些会被认为是调情,如果对方不喜欢,立即道歉并克制一点。 *Good Friends--It is generally acceptable to give friendly hugs to girls that you know fairly well, even if you aren't a couple. Just be sensitive to the girl's feelings about it; pressuring her to hug you will make her uncomfortable. *好朋友。如果你们是挚友,即便不是夫妻,友善的拥抱也是可以的。但是请留意一下她的感觉,别压得她太难受。 *Boyfriend/Girlfriend--When you've grown closer, you can hold her hand or wrap your arm around her shoulders or waist when you're walking together. With her consent, you can also kiss her. *男女朋友。随着双方关系的日益亲密,一起走的时候,你可以牵她的手,搂她的腰。征得她的同意后,你还能吻她的唇。 Tips 友情提示: Be the same around her and your friends. 同性异性朋友面前一个样。 Never use the words "sexy" unless it's in a joking fashion. 除了开玩笑,“性感”等词儿慎用。 Don't ever tell her that she looks bad. 永远别说她看起来很糟。 Don't panic if you do something embarrassing. A lot of girls find that really cute. 不小心做了囧事,别紧张,很多女生会认为这很可爱。 Warnings警告: Do not make sexist jokes. 别讲有性别歧视的笑话。 Don't focus too much on one girl if she isn't enjoying the extra attention. She may get annoyed, and it will likely hurt your relationship. 如果女生不想你们之间发生额外的关系,那么不要对她表现出特别的关注。一旦激怒了她,那么很可能会损害你们现有的关系。 Get to know her friends and be friends with them. This will show her that you're nice and friendly. 与她的女朋友们适当接触,并也和她们成为朋友。这会显示你的亲和以及友善。
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