

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月06日 14:19   新浪教育

  I can't put up with you any longer. 我不能再忍耐了。

  原句: I can't stand you any longer. Let's call it quits. 我们算了吧!原句: Let's forget the whole thing.

  He was taken for a ride. 他受骗了。

  原句:He was fooled.

  Let it ride. 让他去吧!

  原句: Keep it as it is.

  I'm running this shop. 我管理这个铺子。

  原句:I'm the owner of the shop.

  Time is running out. 时间不多了。

  原句: There is not much time.

  He got the sack. 他被开除了。

  原句:He was fired.

  Says who? 谁说的?我不同意。

  原句:I don't agree.

  Let's have a show down with John. 我们跟约翰摊牌。

  原句:Let's tell Tom the truth.

  What's up your sleeves? 你变的是什么戏法?

  原句: What do you have in mind?

  I am only a small potato. 我只是一个小角色。

  原句: I'm nobody.

  John Lee is a some-body,although be was a nobody two years ago。    


  原句: John Lee is a very important man,although he was a nobody two years ago.

  He is now in the soup. 他现在糟糕了。

  原句: He is now in great trouble.

  Keep stalling him. 继续拖延他吧。

  原句: Keep brushing him off.

  Jack was all steamed up. 杰克非常冲动。

  原句: Jack was furious.

  I'm having a swell time. 我玩得很开心 。

  原句:I'm having a wonderful time.

  I was taken in. 我受骗了。

  原句: I was cheated.

  Tell it to the marines. 我不会相信的。

  原句:I don't believe.

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