2009年02月10日 11:43 中国日报网站
Potential backfire No. 3: You might be priced out of the market 潜在问题3: 你可能因“身价太高”而被挤出市场 Zwell uses the example of, Joseph, an accountant for one of today's biggest accounting firms. After three years, he got a huge promotion and was making $10,000 more than any of his peers. He was in a dead-end job however, doing accounting work that became routine. Zwell举了Joseph的例子,Joseph在当今最大财会公司就职。三年后,他获得了一次大的提拔,并且比别的同行都要多挣1万美元。不过他遇到了工作的死胡同:做着例行公事的会计工作。 When he looked for another job, he found that all the jobs he was qualified for paid much less than he was making. He didn't want to take a pay cut and even if he was willing to, companies would rather hire someone for whom the move was an increase in pay, not a decrease. In other words, nobody would hire him because he was currently making too much money for his experience -- thus, his high salary backfired. 当他要寻找别的工作时,他发现他符合条件的一切工作所提供的收入都远远低于当前收入。他不想降低收入,即便他情愿,公司也宁愿招一位为了加薪而不是减薪的求职者。换句话说,相对于他的经验,他赚得过多,所以没人愿意雇佣他——高薪水反倒带来了问题。 Potential backfire No. 4: You could inadvertently trap yourself under a glass ceiling 潜在问题4:你会无意中被“玻璃天花板”困住 Knowing where you are in a salary range reveals a lot about your career path, Zwell says. A young man is recently hired by a bank, for example, at the highest salary grade for a non-manager. He is already at the top of a salary range for his title, therefore less likely to earn any more money without changing positions or companies. Zwell说,你的薪水在整个薪酬体系的位置很好地体现了你的职业发展道路。例如:最近一位年轻人受雇于一家银行。他获得了非经理人职位的最高级别工资。对于他的职位头衔来说他的收入已经处于顶端。因此除非改行或跳槽,否则要有更高收入便不太可能。 Potential backfire No. 5: Earning more money does not mean more happiness. 潜在问题5: 赚更多钱不代表更快乐 Sure, you might earn $200,000 annually -- but what does it matter if you're not doing something you enjoy? Many workers find themselves saying, "If only I earned $XX, then I would be happy." Then the day comes when you are earning that amount and -- surprise, surprise -- it's still not enough. Ultimately, the only time you'll really be happy is when you don't care about salary at all. 你也许每年能赚20万美元——但是如果你不能做喜欢的事情,那又有什么意义呢?许多人都说:“要是我赚了XX美元,我就会快乐”。当那一天来到,你真的只赚那么点的时候——想不到啊,想不到——那还不够。最终,只有在你一点也不在乎薪水的时候才会真正快乐起来。 "The ultimate freedom is the executive who says, 'Pay me $1 a year because my salary doesn't matter. I have all the money I need. I'm here because I want to make a contribution,'" Smith says in Zwell's book. "Based on the intangibles, he's making more than everyone else." Smith在Zwell的书中说:“所谓最终的自由,是如某位执行官所说‘付我1美元年薪,因为我的工资不重要。我有的是钱。我在这是为了希望做出一份贡献’。根据无形资产来计算,他比任何人赚的都多。”
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