2009年02月14日 13:59 沪江网
5. A Website which has posted a Privacy Policy is one which you can trust. 5. 一个贴有隐私规定的网站值得你去信任。 No! For 2 reasons: 不!原因有二: First, a Privacy Policy is only the disclosure of a Website's privacy practices. Those practices may be terrible! Like selling your resume to whoever wants to buy it or renting your e-mail and home addresses to anyone who wants to pay for them. But you won't know unless you actually take the time to read it. 首先,隐私规定只是一个网站关于隐私的一些做法。这些做法可能是可怕的!比如:将你的简历卖给任何想买它的人,或者把你的e-mail地址和家庭地址租给任何想有偿使用它们的人。但是除非你真正抽空去读它,否则你根本就不知道这些。 Secondly, sometimes Privacy Policies are not accurate, accidentally or not. So, a site with a very protective privacy policy may be acting in a completely different manner (see Pam Dixon's report on Monster.com's privacy practices in 2001). Be extremely cautious about providing personal information on any Website. 其次,隐私规定常常不是很准确。一个非常注意保护用户隐私的网站,在这方面的表现会完全不同。在任何网站上提供个人信息的时候,都一定要小心。 6. Legitimate “employers” will e-mail you for “pre-interview screening” to “qualify” you for a job – information like a copy of your driver’s license, your Social Security Number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and bank account number, or credit card numbers. 6. 合法的“雇主”会在面试之前给你发一封电子邮件,确保你所提供的信息的准确性,比如一份驾照的复印件、社会保险号、出生日期、母亲的娘家姓、银行账号或者信用卡的号码。 There are many variations on this scam, reported by Job-Hunt, the World Privacy Forum, the RileyGuide, the news, etc. This kind of "pre-employment" information is not necessary or legitimate. The request may seem to be in response to an application you have made on a job site, or it may just be an "employer" who has found your resume in the name-a-job-site's database. See the links at the bottom for more information. 这种圈套会有很多表现方式,对此,Job-Hunt网、全球隐私论坛、RileyGuide以及多家报纸都有相关报道。这种招聘信息都是非法的。此类“招聘者”往往是在某个求职网或上看到你的求职申请,或者是在某个名为“求职网”网站数据库里看到你的简历,然后向你提出了上面的种种要求。 7. It’s okay to put your Social Security Number and date of birth on your resume. 7. 把社会保险号和出生日期放在简历里没有关系。 No!! What else would someone need to steal your identity? Don't give out that information to people you don't know (and most people you do know)! 不!如果别人想盗用你的身份,他们还有什么别的可以作为凭证?不要向你不了解的人(甚至大多数你了解的人)透露你的这些信息! 8. It’s okay for a Website to require or request that you provide your Social Security Number with your resume. 8. 网站要求你提供填有社会保险号的个人简历没有关系。 This is NOT okay, for the same reason as # 7, above. It is very important to keep this information private. When you have a job offer from an employer, in the U.S. you'll be required to complete a W-2 form for the IRS. That's when it is appropriate to ask for your SSN, and when it is appropriate to provide it. Otherwise, no. 当然有关系!原因跟上面的第7条一样。保持这些信息的隐私性非常重要。在美国,当你从雇主那里获得一份工作时,你要向税务局(IRS)提供一份W-2表(工资收入表)。这时雇主才有权要求你提供社会保险号,也只有此时你才需要提供社会保险号。否则,千万不能提供。
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