

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月14日 13:59   沪江网

  9. Your current employer will never find your resume online, or, if they do, they won’t be upset.

  9. 你现在的雇主永远都不会发现你的在线简历,或者,即使他们看到,他们不会不高兴。

  Not true. Employers have always worried about employees leaving and taking clients, business, and confidential information with them out the door. The Internet hasn't changed that, but now it's much easier for an employer to discover your job search and retaliate.


  10. If you submit your resume on an employer’s Web site, only that employer will see it.

  10. 如果你只向一个雇主的网站投递简历,那么只有这个雇主会看到它。

  This should be true, but it isn't. Sometimes employers "outsource" the careers/employment section of their Website, and a resume submitted on an employer's Website may end up in a much larger resume database searched by all of the client firms of the company providing the outsourcing. And, some sites do sell resumes to other sites. Particularly in a tight labor market, resumes have market value to job sites and employers.


  11. If you send an e-mail message to someone, they always receive it or you receive a notification if they don’t; and if someone sends an e-mail to you, you always receive it.

  11. 如果你给别人发送一封电子邮件,别人总是会收到它,或者,即使收不到,你也会接到一个相关的通知;而如果别人给你发送一封电子邮件,你也总是会收到它。

  This has never been true, but it is even less true now. With all the unsolicited commercial e-mail (a.k.a. "spam") being sent, most people are now protected by "spam filters," software which identifies probable spam messages to be deleted or dumped into junk mail folders. So a message you sent may not be received (and you'll never receive an error message). And, a message sent TO you may be diverted by your spam filter into your junk mail folder. See Job-Hunt's "Keep Your E-Mail Out of the Spam Filters" article, linked below, for more information.


  12. You can believe that the address in the “From:” field of an e-mail message is the person and/or organization which sent it.

  12. 你可以相信“发件人”里标出的地址就是真正发给你那封邮件的人或集团的地址。

  Unfortunately, not true. With some e-mail software, it is very easy to "forge" the From address in an e-mail and copy the real organization's logo and other identifying information. So that message appearing to be "from" Monster.com, Job-Hunt.org, PayPal, or your bank was probably sent by someone else. They want you to click on a link in the message to go to their Website where they can collect information from you. The message (and the Website) may look completely legitimate, but they very rarely are. Call the alleged sending organization to verify that they actually sent the message before you respond.


  Job seekers can mitigate many of the risks associated with these assumptions by being less trusting and using an identity-suppressed resume.


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