

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月04日 11:57   沪江英语

  It's no secret that some of the biggest industries in the U.S. have fallen on hard times. From the auto industry to the financial sector (and several others in between), fortunes have shifted for a lot of workers, who are left wondering if they'll still have a job in the next six months。


  If the industry in which you work is experiencing a downturn, Lauren Milligan, founder of ResuMAYDAY, says, "Don't panic! Panic really only works well in action movies." Instead, consider these four options。


  1. Narrow Your Focus。


  If a lot of major employers in the same market let go of thousands of employees, the companies that are still hiring will be seeing a significant increase in applications. Milligan advises job seekers to avoid trying to be all things to all employers: "People want to tell employers, 'I can do this and this and this and this!' But that's too big of a message for your resume. You should narrow your view significantly."


  She recommends focusing on one or two niche areas or skills that you're particularly effective at and that will boost an employer's bottom line。


  2. Let Your Network Be Your Net。


  When you're looking for work or fear for your job, you must reach out to your network. Milligan notes, "There are people who are very self-conscious about asking their networks for help in tough times, but most people don't mind lending a hand. If you're uncomfortable with reaching out, get over it! If you don't ask for help, you'll never receive it!"


  She points out, "Between Facebook and Twitter, it's never been easier to stay in touch with people -- and staying top of mind is what will help you get your next job!" You can use blogging, microblogging, and even your status on Facebook to tactfully keep your search on people's radars. "Something simple, such as, 'Sandra is seeking an employer who values highly certified HR professionals,' can raise awareness."


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