

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月04日 11:57   沪江英语

  3. Find out If You Need to Further Your Education。


  You may assume that you'll need to go back to school to switch industries -- but that isn't always true. Milligan says, "Talk to people directly in that industry. Tell them, 'Here's what I know. Am I qualified for a position? Do I need more training?' I'm not convinced that everyone needs to earn another certification," states Milligan。


  Job shadowing can be a great way to try on a career before committing to more schooling. She advises, "You don't want to sign up for a $10,000 vet tech course only to find out later that you faint at the sight of puppy blood!" If you have difficulty finding an employer who'll let you job shadow, she recommends seeking help through your local chamber of commerce。


  4. Start Diversifying Now。


  If you're worried about being pigeonholed in a particular industry -- today or tomorrow -- start volunteering in different industries. Hospitals continually seek volunteers as do almost all non-profit organizations. Milligan notes, "Your local chamber of commerce can help you make a solid introduction."


  Having hands-on experience in a variety of industries will help build a stronger resume and make your transferable skills that much more obvious to a hiring manager. She adds, "If you're an accountant who's been downsized, look for the same job in a different industry. You'll be exposed to new software systems, new client-vendor relationships, and new contacts." The more diverse your experience, the less vulnerable you are to an industry downturn。


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